Japan Trip 2015: Part One

A few weeks ago I got a notification from Facebook that it has been 2 years since I went to Japan. Needless to say, I then went down memory lane & immediately wished I was back in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto & Hiroshima exploring that great country. So to cure my nostalgia, I thought I would write a blog outlining the itinerary I planned (yes, I am one of THOSE people who plans trips. I even planned when I could have free time).

Day 1

I travelled from Brisbane to Cairns. Had a 4 hour stop over in Cairns, then travelled to Tokyo. That day dragged on for so long, but it was so worth it. I arrived in Tokyo at approximately 11pm local time, but the city was still buzzing. It was an assault on the senses.

This what most buildings looked like & when you saw a few of them in a row - it was an assault on the senses!

This what most buildings looked like & when you saw a few of them in a row - it was an assault on the senses!

Day 2

After a well deserved rest, I made my way to one of the train stations & purchased my JR Rail Pass. As I was going to be in Japan for 15 days, I was forced to get a 14 day rail pass. This was one of the biggest expenses for this holiday (aside from the accommodation), as it was roughly $500 AUD per pass. But it paid for itself in the long run as getting around Japan via rail is the ONLY way of commuting. This day I had also arranged my ticket & bus fare to Fuji Q Highland (activity booked for Day 3)

That afternoon, I had planned to do a Food Tour through Urban Adventures. The tour was FANTASTIC & of course, there were a few fellow Australians in the tour. Link for the tour I booked is below:


I had booked a food tour with this company before, in Malaysia - so I had high hopes & I was not disappointed. Our group went to a yakitori bar & had the most amazing yakitori (skewered BBQ chicken). We then went to Tsukishima & tasted Monja-yaki, which was also delicious. For dessert, we visited a confectionery shop where we learned about wagashi. I had never had this before & I became hooked. This tour was a little expensive, but it was well worth it & I highly recommend it.

Clearly I was having a fun time

Clearly I was having a fun time

Day 3

When I was booking this holiday, I wanted to make sure I saw a lot of cool attractions. I found out about this Theme Park called Fuji Q Highland a few weeks beforehand & it caught my eye. Fuji Q Highland is based right near Mount Fuji, so I really wanted to go (mainly to see Mount Fuji). They have this Zombie Walk through that was highly recommended & it looked like a lot of fun. So on my 2nd day in Tokyo, I went to this travel agency in Tokyo where I booked a bus ticket, as well as my theme park ticket.

The drive out to the theme park was so beautiful. We drove near the infamous Suicide Forest (Aokigahara) - which was super eery, but beautiful nonetheless. The weather was a tad cool in Tokyo that morning, so I dressed accordingly. However, once I arrived at Fuji Q Highland, I was FREEZING. So my tip, take an extra jumper! The theme park was a little outdated, but it was still super fun. The zombie walk through was so scary! I have never been so scared in my life. It is definitely not for the faint hearted.

Stay tuned for the next installments of my Japan blog.

Until next time,

Cover photo & photos within blog by Cora Corbett on Instagram

Cora Michele